Meet Cashculator 2.2: A Comprehensive Guide

Cashculator has long been the go-to app for Mac users seeking an intuitive yet powerful solution for personal finance management. With the highly anticipated version 2.2 update, we’re pushing the boundaries even further. From effective features like CSV import...

Create Custom Color Themes in Cashculator

Cashculator 2.2 introduces a wide range of color themes, including specially designed ones for individuals with color vision deficiency (CVD) such as deuteranopia, protanopia, and tritanopia. However, if none of the pre-set themes suit you, you can also make your own...

Color Themes for Color Vision Deficiency (CVD)

Cashculator truly values inclusivity and accessibility for users. That’s why we have created the Deuteranopia, Protanopia, and Tritanopia themes, specifically designed to support individuals with different types of color vision deficiency, sometimes referred to...